Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Same Holy Spirit?

“Do you believe that the same Holy Spirit is available today that you read in Acts?” – Francis Chan

That’s a question that has been stirring up my soul for the past three weeks driving me to a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. I have been furiously reading through the book of Acts and Francis Chan’s book Forgotten God. As I read Acts, I come to this section where Jesus says, “I’m going to send someone else; in fact it’s going to be to your advantage, it’s better than having me on earth…” (John 16:7) Wait, WHAT?

I have read that verse plenty of times and understood it, but as I read it to myself more and more I have to ask, WHAT? I mean can you imagine the looks on the disciples' faces as they listened to Jesus say this? I’m sure they were saying to each other just what could be better than having the Son of God next to me? After thinking about it, I started to get frustrated with the thought: Why does it seem so different today compared to the days of Acts? I mean isn’t it the same Holy Spirit that’s supposed to be available to us today? So why does it feel so different?

Little did I know that the Holy Spirit was the one guiding me through these questions, so I could come to the realization that He is much more important than we believe or think. And this is what I came up with…

If you read Acts chapter 2, you come to the Holy Spirit’s jaw dropping entrance where the Spirit of God comes in with a violent wind and gives all the disciples the super natural ability to speak in other tongues. I had to ask during prayer, why are we not experiencing that? And that’s when I thought about our churches here in America.

I once heard this man say, “The church today is neither super nor natural; very predictable and expected.” While I wanted to defend the church I unfortunately came to the conclusion that he in many ways was right. Think about it…you go to a church building, you get your bulletin, sit in a chair, and you sing a few songs. A minister delivers a polished message or maybe not… someone sings a solo… you go home. Now I know this isn’t every church, so before you get upset, just keep reading.

My frustration has increased at the realization that we believe in this all mighty, intensely powerful being who puts His Spirit of power in us, yet we respond by worrying about small minded things, such as tabling for small groups, how to talk to a fellow college student about Jesus or a weak greeting in church, “Hi, welcome to church. Here’s your bulletin. Please come next week!” Didn't Jesus tell us that we would receive a super natural power? Then how come our reactions (once we pray to receive the Holy Spirit) are different? It’s as if we pray for Him to come because we know that He is part of the Trinity, but then we cross Him off the list of things to ask and pray about. Last time I checked, you had to act on your faith (James 2: 14-26). We're just too comfortable… I want the same reaction that John tells us about when he says that “people where astonished by the boldness of Peter and John.”

It’s amazing to look at the church and see people so weak and easily defeated, or so insecure about who we are, when we should be the ones that are bold and spirit filled that you ask mountains to move! Has anyone moved a mountain recently? No? Neither have I. I yearn for the understanding of the power that Jesus sent us through the Holy Spirit. My soul cries out for the Spirit to trample on fears and to boldly stand and proclaim His name… that I become such a dangerous Christian that I am well known by the faculty of my college as a Jesus freak! (I’m cool with that term.)

Could you imagine what the church would look like today if we stopped taking control of it and let the Holy Spirit lead? If Jesus told his disciples “I’m going to build my church and the gates of hell aren’t going to stop this thing”, then shouldn’t we find strength in knowing that we have the victory already?! On the contrary, we must not only desire His power, but His leading, guidance, His gifts, and the fruits of the Spirit.

I want to live submitted to the Spirit’s leading on a daily basis. If Christ said it is better for us that the Spirit come, then I want to live like I know it's true. I would hate to keep crawling when I could fly.

I implore you to want the same. I plead with you, let's call upon the Holy Spirit together. Let's get to know Him, this third person of the Trinity, and let's be endured with power.

So I ask you again… Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is the same now that He was then?

Russell Gaither

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