Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Week Of Poetry: Day 3

On day three we are blessed to read the powerful writings of Tammy Charles and Brianna Ebanks.

My Heart’s Cry
By Tammy Charles

My heart’s cry moans and echoes through the mountains of brutality
Pain stricken by the sorrow of sin’s agony
Left empty by the world’s definition of the best life

Empty hearts shattered by emptied minds
Filled with lies and deceit
Unwavering yet life taking
Souls falling from the hand of their Creator
Indulged in the lies of His deceptive so called imitator
Never duplicated, yet deceptively imitated and reiterated
It’s complicated, well we make it complicated
The gift of life sent to erased the turmoil of death’s grip
Yet the father of lies sends his deceit in a gold colored box
Fill with the things that charm the human imagination
Things that leaves them with short term satisfaction
And an eternity in misery and despair
People beware!
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side
The truth in this Great Master has caused a Great Divide
As we hope and pray that calamity will subside
But only in God Almighty can we only confide

Salvation is an open heart away
A gift so remarkable will leave you in dismay
Yet take you away from disarray
Such an immeasurable gift for One to pay

The truth sets you free
If you believe you will agree
That joy comes from the Father
Who only yearns to fellowship with His sons and daughters

My heart cries through the sea of animosity
Pain stricken by sin’s agony
Left wondering when humanity will see
That the resolution is in the hands of the Almighty

Treaties and wars won’t solve the problem
“if my people will seek My face then I will solve em”
The solution is at the palms of His hands
Why is it taking so long to understand?!

His Spirit is ever willing to enter through every door that will accept
I imagine freedom as I recollect
A joy so full inexperienced by too many
Because what man search for is in a place there’s hardly any

My heart’s cry is to see man surrender to the will of the Father
Pain stricken by sin’s agony
Left empty by the world’s definition of the best life
Why not surrender to the One who GAVE life?

By Brianna Ebanks

trying my best to make You the King
fasting and praying to be stripped of the dirt
seeing you delivering me, I shout with glee
yet, i see others struggling with the same thing, and wondering if freedom is really meant for me.
the lies spread like wild fire, and tell us we are destined for slavery and chains of despair
yet, i buckle my boots and refuse to back down, because I know my Destiny, and its Liberty in the Truth.
I grab my sword, and put on my armor for I fight and ward of spirits like flies after the rain.
I never back down, I never give up for the person I'm fighting for is much greater than any happiness this world has to offer
I keep my heads to the heavens, and ask His spirit to motivate me to fight, to fight for His glory, for the manifestation of His power
I get discouraged, knocked down, bruised, and walked over.
But He picks me up, washes my feet, and sends me out again.

I am chosen, I am prized, I am priceless.

I belong to the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, Provider.
I belong to my Husband, my Bridegroom, forever in covenant with me.
I belong to my Father, who enjoys and disciplines His daughter to love and make her grow.
I belong to my Friend, who is there 24/7
I belong to my Leader, who guides me in the valley and the mountain.
I belong to my Co-heir, who rules the heavens and earth.
I belong to His Kingdom, forever redeemed to do His will, to fulfill the Great Comission.

I belong to Jesus, the only Way to Life, the only Hope to this world. I belong to the Truth.

Who do you belong to?

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